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How To Select the Right ERP System

By Bryan Foshee on 11/9/22 10:00 AM

A big decision that you want to get right

If your company is thinking about getting or actively evaluating new ERP software, then you’re probably in a quandary about how to balance priorities and needs. Selecting the right ERP system for your company means finding one that’s not the most basic, not the most complex, not the cheapest, not the most expensive…. you get the picture. It can be tough to determine which one is a perfect fit. And to complicate matters, an ERP solution is typically a generational decision. Ideally, your company will use it for decades to come, so choosing the best ERP means being able to extract benefits from it now and way down the road.

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Infor VISUAL ERP: In-Depth Review

By Jack Shannon on 11/4/22 1:07 PM

An Exhaustive Look at Infor VISUAL's Functionality

Looking for information on Infor VISUAL ERP? You found the right blog. It's long, but it's thorough. Buckle up, it's going to be an interesting ride.

Why would any manufacturing company want VISUAL ERP?

Actually, that’s an easy question to answer. There are three reasons:

  1. Value: You will not find an ERP product with more depth and breadth of functionality at the same price point.
  2. Ease of use: VISUAL is built by software developers, but the interface was developed by designers to focus on ease of use. The screens are simple and intuitive, yet answers to your next question are in a secondary (child) window or are a simple click away.
  3. Focus: VISUAL is designed for small-to-medium sized manufacturers who create work orders to make or repair items. If this doesn’t describe your company, Infor VISUAL will not be a fit for your manufacturing company. If this does describe your company, keep reading—VISUAL may be exactly what you're looking for. 
Topics: ERP selection
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ERP Software Requirements for Make-to-Order vs. Make-to-Stock

By Tim O'Brien on 10/26/22 10:00 AM

Differences between make-to-stock and make-to-order manufacturing

These two manufacturing modes are just what you’d assume. Make-to-stock manufacturing is where finished goods are built to inventory. The demand associated with make-to-stock is typically driven by a forecast. Additionally, a mix of forecasting, inventory quantities driven by planning policies, and actual demand can drive planning and scheduling for make-to-stock manufacturers.

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Which Types Of Companies Use SAP’s ERP Software?

By Bryan Foshee on 9/28/22 10:00 AM

What is SAP?

SAP is a technology company that has been around a long time and offers what is often regarded as the top ERP software in the world. SAP ERP is built primarily for large companies in a variety of industries. Companies that are household names (e.g. BP, Coca-Cola, BASF, Audi, Burger King, and Citrix) very likely use SAP’s ERP software somewhere in their operations.

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Is There a Best ERP for Manufacturing? Not Really.

By Jack Shannon on 9/26/22 10:00 AM

We’re good, but are we the best?

Visual South sells ERP for manufacturing-centric companies. More specifically, we sell Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) and Infor VISUAL ERP. My experience with VISUAL goes back decades: When I was a plant manager, I bought and implemented VISUAL; I was a VISUAL consultant for years; and I’ve taken deep dives into CloudSuite Industrial.

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ERP Requirements for Sign Manufacturers

By Tim O'Brien on 9/14/22 10:00 AM

Sign manufacturers have specific business system needs

What sign manufacturers have in common with other types of manufacturers is that they have to plan for material requirements, schedule jobs, and execute the production of those jobs. That being said, sign manufacturers have numerous requirements and needs that are unique to their industry. In this article, we’ll review how those unique requirements can be addressed with sign industry software, or sign manufacturing software.

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How to Select a Mixed Mode Manufacturing ERP

By Bryan Foshee on 8/17/22 10:00 AM

What is mixed mode manufacturing?

A mixed mode manufacturer is a company that does not have a single manufacturing process. It is typically a combination of one or more of the following modes of manufacturing:

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Discrete Manufacturing Systems: High-Level Requirements

By Tim O'Brien on 8/10/22 10:00 AM

Discrete Manufacturing

Discrete manufacturing differs from primary modes of manufacturing in the following areas:

  • Repetitive manufacturing
  • Process manufacturing (continuous & batch)
  • Job shop manufacturing

Discrete manufacturers typically have production lines or areas where the finished good is produced in a non-continuous process. In addition, they are often categorized as “to order” manufacturers, with mixed mode components when there is a make-to-stock or forecast demand to be addressed.

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ERP Software for SMBs: A Guide

By Bryan Foshee on 6/30/22 10:00 AM

One size does not fit all

If you are a small to medium-sized business (SMB), then you know you have unique needs when compared to a large company. This is especially true when it comes to evaluating ERP solutions for SMBs.

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How to Select Discrete Manufacturing ERP Software

By Tim O'Brien on 6/15/22 10:00 AM

Address your business issues

When selecting discrete manufacturing ERP software, choose an application that addresses your business issues. That should be the primary goal of an ERP evaluation, but we often see the focus of the evaluation shift to matters that truly do not impact the business. Cool features can distract you from picking an application that can help discrete manufacturers manage their business better. That’s why a plan is needed that includes an ERP Evaluation Checklist.

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